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KEIHIN Carburetor 38mm PWK AIRSTRYKER 2-Stroke with JD Jetting Kit (JDKH08)

MSRP Price: $387.95
MX1WEST Price: $368.55
Part #: JDKH08

Replace your small stock carburetor with this 38mm Keihin PWK Airstryker for improved performance! JD kit included.

Carburetors cannot be returned after fuel has been run thru them due to shipping regulations. Please check your bike thoroughly to make sure the carburetor is the solution you need before you make your purchase.

This carb has a JD Jetting Kit is included and the air screw is preset accordingly. The carb also includes extra main jets and both the red and blue JD needles. This is a GREAT deal, considering competitive carbs at a cost of twice as much or more!

This carburetor measures 171.6mm top to bottom and 92mm front to back. Be sure to measure and make sure it fits before you order.

Made in Japan

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